I have just received my advance copy of Reimagine America: An Anthology For the Future (Edited by Mark Lipman, Vagabond Books, 2022 ) which contains two of my poems, "Why?" and "Off Center."
I am honored to be included in this important anthology which contains poetry, art, and essays addressing the times we are in, where we are obliged to acknowledge that "As we begin to emerge from the shadows of some very dark years....it has become more than apparent that there is just no going back to normal, for normal was never just." (Mark Lipman, editor). Contributors include a broad range of poets, artists, and writers, including United States Poet Laureate Joy Harjo, addressing civil unrest, COVID, climate change, racial inequality, dark money in politics, police brutality, and a host of other problematic issues that have come to a head in the past two years.